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The Next Right Thing

Sep 24, 2019

For a few minutes each Tuesday, our directive is to do the next right thing, not to think about doing the next right thing. Of course thinking is a part of doing. But they at least have to work together to bring about meaningful change.

We practice what we want to improve and certain things lend themselves well to our...

Sep 17, 2019

It’s often the simplest phrases that have the power to change our lives. Like “I love you” and “I’m sorry” and “You’re not alone.”

Since adults make over 35,000 decisions every single day, it’s no wonder that this idea of simply doing the next right thing feels like such a relief.

My goal in these...

Sep 10, 2019

We’ve been told not to borrow trouble and to be careful borrowing money, but when is borrowing okay, even welcome? Listen in.

*Content warning: This week's episode references the events of September 11, 2001. 

Links + Resources From This Episode:

Sep 3, 2019

Sometimes it’s the simplest things that help to ease our decision-fatigue the most.

Links + Resources From This Episode: